Wednesday, January 27, 2010

que bonito es carnaval

Here is the thing about where I live and I would say the province (though I would not want to make any rash generalizations), it's pretty tranquilo (calm), not a lot of weird or crazy stuff happens. I wouldn't say its boring, but when you think of the places you want to visit in Ecuador, Guaranda or any other spot in Bolivar would be on top of the list...unless we're talking about Carnaval. Carnaval is kind of a big deal around here, it is the biggest celebration in the province and especially in San Lorenzo. People talk about it all year, everyone's cousin, or uncle, or 2nd stepbrother venture in from around the country (and many times outside the country) to celebrate. Kids make water balloons, water guns, or use bucket of water to toss on family members, random people in the street, or of course...tall gringos. I'm not sure exactly why they toss water for carnaval and when i ask, i get the "oh, its carnaval." They also tell me that during carnaval people throw flour and cooking oil on you too. Keep in mind this is happening right after the new year, has been going on the entire month and will continue all of February I am sure. Carnaval has special songs, dances, and foods that are prepared for the week of February 12-18th. Oh yeah...I am sure there will be heavy drinking involved as well, it wouldn't be an ecuadorian celebration without a little parajo azul.

As far as my work goes (if you really want to call it that)...little by little. Everything moves about 10 times slower down here when trying to work with people, especially government organization. I do understand that a gringo's request for a random town of 300 people may not be the highest on anyone lists down here. Just learning to be more patient and go with the flow. I am waiting on the OK of the shredder project by Peace Corps Quito and once it is OK'd there and Peace Corps Washington, then the project can go on the peace corps website and hopefully the 10 people that read this can donate and tell their wonderful, caring, extremely good looking friends to donate as well! In the meantime, I am giving talks about organic fertilizer, school gardens, and when I can, help with the canal that we have here, but that thing is such a quagmire that I am not sure if it worth the time and effort.

Well, till next time...

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